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CSA CE Ethics Education

CSA CE On-line Ethics Courses:

  • Ethics in Selling to Seniors
    Students will learn how to recognize and prevent many common ethical mistakes in the sales process, particularly in advertising, sales literature and presenting recommendations to clients. Real-to-life scenarios and exercises illustrate the difficulties involved in making ethical choices.

    Other CSA CE courses to be announced

To register for and complete CSA CE ethics courses, click here: http://csa.webce.com.

CSA CE credit hours: One SCSA ethics course earns 6 CSA CE hours.

Life and Health CE; CFP CE, CPE and PACE

As CSA CE ethics courses are approved for Life and Health (L&H) insurance CE, members may request L&H CE credit for completing them. An administrative fee will be charged by WebCE to file for the L&H CE.

As of April 15, 2004, the Ethics in Selling to Seniors course is approved for L&H CE in all states except Delaware, Indiana, Louisiana, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

The CSA CE ethics courses are also being submitted for CFP, CPE and PACE credits. To find out when courses have received CFP, CPE or PACE approval, contact WebCE at their toll-free number, 800-488-9308.

Testing and reporting: The CSA CE ethics courses each have an on-line multiple-choice exam.

Grading is Pass/Fail; passing is 70% or more correct answers.

Members will receive their test scores online immediately after completing the exam. SCSA will receive a regular summary report of members who have completed CSA CE ethics courses.

Frequently Asked Questions about CSA CE on-line ethics courses

SCSA Web Site | CSA CE Home Page | CSA CE Requirements | Volunteers for Seniors | CSA Ethics Classes | Frequently Asked Questions